Psychological Entitlement Scale心理权利量表

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心理权利(Psychological Entitlement )被定义为是一种稳定和普遍的感觉,拥有这种感觉的人认为他应该得到更多,并且比其他人享有更多(Campbell et al., 2004),心理权利一直备受管理者的关注(Harvey & Harris, 2010)。主观权利高的员工对他们自己倾向于持有一种很高的评价,并且带着及其高的需求和期望来实现他们的工作(Crampton & Hodge, 2009; De Hauw & De Vos, 2010)。此外,这类人员相信他们始终比别人更值得获得期望的满足和超越(Campbell, Bonacci, Shelton, Exline, & Bushman, 2004; De Hauw & De Vos, 2010; Twenge & Campbell, 2008)。


本研究中其 Cronbach α 为 .85


针对以下题项请选出最能反应你自己信念的数字。用7点量表表示: 1表示强烈不同意,2表示中度不同意,3表示轻微不同意,4表示既不同意也不反对,5表示轻微同意,6表示中度同意,7表示强烈同意。

1. I honestly feel I'm just more deserving than others.

2. Great things should come to me.

3. If I were on the Titanic, I would deserve to be on the first lifeboat!

4. I demand the best because I’m worth it.

5. I do not necessarily deserve special treatment.

6. I deserve more things in my life.

7. People like me deserve an extra break now and then.

8. Things should go my way.

9. I feel entitled to more of everything





Priesemuth M, Taylor R M. The more I want, the less I have left to give: The moderating role of psychological entitlement on the relationship between psychological contract violation, depressive mood states, and citizenship behavior[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2016, 51(1):1-4.


Campbell W K, Bonacci A M, Shelton J, et al. Psychological entitlement: interpersonal consequences and validation of a self-report measure[J]. Journal of Personality Assessment, 2004, 83(1):29-45.


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