Media Gratification Scale 媒介满足量表

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利基理论(niche theory)认为,新媒体会与更传统、成熟的媒体竞争,以满足用户的需求。Ramirez(2008)根据宏观层面的利基理论,以及微观层面的社会信息处理理论(social information processing theory)和电子理论理论(the theory of electronic propinquity),检验即时消息(instant messaging,IM)在提供普遍满足时的利基,研究制定了测量媒介满足的项目(Media Gratification Items)。


Ramirez等(2008)首先进行了一项试点研究,要求100位受访者报告自己关于IM的使用情况。受访者被告知要集中精力用于满足个人需求并获得满足感,但不报告任何与业务或工作相关的用途——最后要求受访者列出尽可能多的使用IM的原因或需求,并根据需要在尽可能多的时间内完成任务。之后,受访者被要求重新审核他们列出的需求或用途清单,以确保他们列出了使用IM的全部原因。消除冗余语句后,研究中最后中能够获得了282个可用语句,并对其进行内容分析。此前,Dimmick等(1994)和Stafford等(1999)的研究,确定并验证了与个人电话和电子邮件使用相关的满足和满足的机会,将其分为“社会责任感(sociability gratifications)”和“满足机会(gratification opportunities)”两类。

在后期的主要研究中,研究中从255名参与者中收集了数据,参与者来自一个大型中西部大学的通信课程。调查包含三个部分。第一部分向参与者询问了一系列人口统计问题,包括年龄,性别和种族背景,以及使用互联网,即时通讯程序和电子邮件等方面的经验。第二部分要求参与者确定人际技术(固定电话和手机,电子邮件和即时通讯)在典型的一天和某个周期间对于完成个人任务的作用。此外,第二部分包括三个项目,用于测量电话和电子邮件由于IM使用而产生的任何位移效应(displacement effects)。第三部分涉及媒介竞争(media competition)。要求与会者对每项技术的试点研究得出的23个项目作出回答,使用7点李克特型量表进行评估。通过将23个项目进行斜轴旋转主轴因子分析,结果表明,单因素解决方案是适用的,所有项目的初级载荷至少为0.45,次要因素的交叉载荷不超过30。与每个分析相关的特征值也支持单因素解,其值大于1.0,与相关的scree图一样。 因此,与Dimmick等人(2000)分析相反,这种普遍的满足(或社会/满足机会)维度被采用。



评价和判断的标准如下:采用里克特七分量表,其中 1 = not helpful at all, 7 = extremely helpful

1.To send and receive personal messages 
2.To keep in touch with people 
3.To keep in contact with people you don’t have enough time to see in person
4.To keep in contact with others who live far away
5.To give and receive information with people you know 
6.To communicate personal messages with those closest to you
7.To share ideas and opinions
8.For fun or pleasure of communicating 
9.To feel or express caring 
10.For a feeling of companionship with people you know 
11.To give or receive advice on personal matters or issues 
12.To resolve conflicts 
13.For coordinating social events with people you know 
14.To pass time 
15.For communication that is economical 
16.For communication that is quick and fast 
17.For communication that is simple and easy 
18.For ease in getting a hold of someone 
19.For communication that fits people’s work schedules 
20.For communication with people in different time zones 
21.For communication that is conversational 
22.For communication that is convenient 
23.For communication that is “different” than face to face 




Lan, Y.-F., & Sie, Y.-S. (2010). Using RSS to support mobile learning based on media richness theory. Computers and Education, 55, 723 – 732.


Dimmick, J., Sikand, J., & Patterson, S. (1994). The gratifications of the household telephone: Sociability,instrumentality, and reassurance. Communication Research, 5, 643-665.

Dimmick, J., Kline, S., & Stafford, L. (2000). The gratification niches of personal e-mail and the telephone. Communication Research, 27, 227-248.


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