Knowledge Management Behaviors Scale 知识管理行为量表

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请您根据自己的实际感受和体会,,对下面12项描述进行评价和判断,在最符合的数字上划○。评价和判断的标准如下:1 非常不同意 2 比较不同意 3 一般 4 比较同意 5非常同意
1.I looked into the request to make sure my answers were accurate.
2.I explained everything very thoroughly.
3.I answered all his/her questions immediately.
4.I told my coworker exactly what he/she needed to know.
5.I agreed to help him/her but never really intended to.
6.I pretended that I did not know the information.
7.I said that I did not know even though I did.
8.I tried to hide innovative solutions and achievement.
9.I padded my knowledge to make it greater than it actually is.
10.I omitted potential problems inherited from my knowledge.
11.I emphasized that uncertainties in knowledge had limited significance.
12.I equivocated with the core information while explaining my knowledge.



知识管理行为量表总共12个题项,包括知识分享、知识隐藏、知识操作三个分量表,可以计算所有题项的总分或平均分。 知识分享总共4道题,具体包括第1、2、3、4题; 知识隐藏总共4道题,具体包括第5、6、7、8题; 知识处理总共4道题,具体包括第9、10、11、12题。


Rhee Y W, Choi J N. Knowledge management behavior and individual creativity: Goal orientations as antecedents and in‐group social status as moderating contingency[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2017, 38.


[1] Connelly C E, Zweig D, Webster J, et al. Knowledge hiding in organizations[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2012, 33(1):64-88.
[2] Empson L. Fear of Exploitation and Fear of Contamination: Impediments to Knowledge Transfer in Mergers between Professional Service Firms[J]. Human Relations, 2001, 54(7):839-862.
[3] Harriette BettisOutland. The impact of information distortion within the context of implementing and sustaining a market orientation[J]. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1999, 7(4):251-263.
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[5] Peng H. Why and when do people hide knowledge?[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2013, 17(3):398-415.


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