Relationship Quality Scale 关系质量量表

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Ying et al. (2016) 用关系质量来衡量组织间关系的绩效结果。关系质量是一个多维的结构,捕捉不同的,但相关的方面的关系(Palmatier et al., 2006)。关系质量的包括三个组成部分,即信任,承诺和满意度。

Ying et al. (2016) 等使用制造商(供应商)和分销商(买方)双方的匹配的调查数据。数据收集包括三个阶段。首先,他们进行了非结构化的个人访谈与11名高级管理人员,以建立一个了解人际关系和跨边界的相互作用,在制造商-分销商的关系。第二,他们开发了成对的问卷调查,为制造商和分销商的英语。英语版本被翻译成中文,然后回译成英文,与承认的跨文化差异的内涵的等效结构。最后,他们开始并与分销商的二元数据收集,并提供了900个全国性的分销商,由海尔集团提供。经过三轮的提醒(通过电话,通过初始和后续的电子邮件,以及面对面),收回314份问卷,其中251个是完整的。配对问卷,然后发送到指定的制造商,都是已由分销商选出的,并从251个制造商收到225份完整的问卷调查的整体回应率为25%。


信任关系部分内部一致性系数为0.91,因素载荷都 >0.8。

满意度关系部分内部一致性系数为0.93,因素载荷都 >0.8。

承诺关系部分内部一致性系数为R0.93,因素载荷都 >0.8。


请您根据自己的实际感受和体会,用下面15项描述对您所在的组织进行评价和判断,并在最符合的数字上划○。评价和判断的标准如下: 1 非常不同意 2 不同意 3 不太确定 4 同意 5 非常同意

1.We believe that the supplier (buyer) will not make excessive requests of us.
2.We believe in the supplier (buyer) as being sincere.
3.We can have confidence that the supplier’s (buyer’s) future decisions and actions will not adversely affect us.
4.When making important decisions, the supplier (buyer) cares about our welfare or interests.
5.When it comes to things that are important to us, we can depend on the supplier’s (buyer’s) support.
6.The working relationship between our firm and the supplier (buyer) is characterized by feelings of friendliness.
7.The supplier (buyer) expresses criticism tactfully.
8.Interactions between our firm and the supplier (buyer) are characterized by mutual respect.
9.The supplier (buyer) never leaves us in the dark about things we ought to know.
10.The supplier (buyer) always explains to us the reasons for its company policies.
11.We intend to continue working with the supplier (buyer) because we feel as if they are “part of family.”
12.We would not replace the supplier (buyer), even if another supplier (buyer) made a better offer.
13.Given the same business philosophy as the supplier (buyer), we feel we ought to continue our relationship with the supplier (buyer).
14.We have a strong sense of loyalty to the supplier (buyer), so we continue to work with them.
15.Given all the things we have done with the supplier (buyer) over the years, we feel we ought to continue our relationship with the supplier (buyer).








Huang, Y., Luo, Y., Liu, Y., & Yang, Q. (2013). An investigation of interpersonal ties in interorganizational exchanges in emerging markets: a boundary-spanning perspective. Journal of Management, 109(4), 649-655.


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