Reciprocity Scale 互惠量表

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互惠是中国传统哲学和价值观的一部分。Sparrowe & Liden(1997)提出了三种互惠类型——广义互惠(generalized reciprocity)、平衡互惠(balanced reciprocity)和负互惠(negative reciprocity)。



Wu, J. B.,等对321位中国不同高校的在职工商管理硕士,进行了第一次问卷调查,广义互惠分量表的内部一致性系数为0.70;平衡互惠分量表内部一致性系数为0.71;负互惠分量表的内部一致性系数为0.70。



请您根据自己的实际感受和体会,用下面16项描述对您的感受进行评价和判断,并在最符合的数字上划○。评价和判断的标准如下: 1 非常不同意 2 不同意 3 不太确定 4 同意 5 非常同意

1.My organization would help me develop myself, even if I cannot make more contributions at present.
2.My organization seems willing to invest in my professional development, even when it does not directly impact my current job performance.
3.My organization would do something for me without any strings attached.
4.My organization takes care of me in ways that exceed my contribution to the organization.
5.My organization takes care of the organization’s interests as much as my interest.
6.It seems important to my company that my efforts are equivalent to what I receive from the company.
7.If I do my best and perform well, my organization will give me the opportunity for promotion.
8.If my job performance exceeds my organization’s need, my organization will give me an extra reward, otherwise, my organization will punish me.
9.As long as I show my concern for the welfare of the organization, the organization will be concerned for my welfare in return.
10. I have the impression that my organization is up to something that could hurt me.
11. My organization would never help me out unless it was in the organization’s own interest.
12. What I have received from my organization is only a small part of my contribution to the organization.
13. My organization expects more from me than it gives me in return.
14. My organization only cares about its own benefits and never cares about my career or living.
15. If my organization gives me double wages, it will require me to put in three or four times more energy.
16. My organization seems to think that I need to work hard no matter how poorly I am treated.




Wu, J. B., Hom, P. W., Tetrick, L., Shore, L. M.,Jia, L., Li, C. P., & Song, L. J. (2006). The norm of reciprocity:Scale development and validation in the Chinese context. Manage­ment and Organization Review, 2, 377–402.


Sahlins, M. (1972). Stone Age Economics. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Sparrowe, R. T., and Liden, R. C. (1997).‘Process and structure in leader-member exchange’.Academy of Management Review, 22, 522–552.


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