Perceptions of Authentic leadership Scale真实型领导感知量表(Lagan,T.E.,2007)

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真实型领导(authentic leadership)是一种领导理论和方式,他们诚实、正直、忠于自己,会与下属构建真实的关系,被认为是其他积极领导形式的“根源构念”,对个体、团队和组织均有积极作用,因而得到了学术界的广泛讨论和研究。




请您根据自己的实际感受和体会,用下面19项描述对您的直接上级进行评价和判断,并在最符合的数字上划○。评价和判断的标准如下: 1 非常不同意 2 不同意 3 有点不同意 4 不好确定 5 有点同意 6同意 7 非常同意

1.My supervisor is not aware of his/her own feelings,beliefs and motives.
2.My supervisor tells the truth to his/her boss and subordinates,even when it’s not what they want to hear.
3.My supervisor is honest in relationships with his/her subordinates.
4.When ethical dilemmas arise,my supervisor is able to rely on his/her core motives and beliefs to solve problems.
5.My supervisor stays in touch with his/her feelings in order to know how they are affecting him/her.
6.My supervisor wants his/her subordinates to understand his/her strength.
7.My supervisor tries to understand what constitutes his/her true self.
8.My supervisor is comfortable evaluating his/her limitations and shortcomings.
9.My supervisor is open and honest with his/her subordinates at all times,regardless if the information is positive or negative.
10.My supervisor does not compromise his/her values when taking action as a leader.
11.If my supervisor is unsure about an ethical decision,his/her core values will guide him/her to do the right things.
12.My supervisor would rather fell good about him/herself as a leader than critically evaluate his/her personal limitations and shortcomings.
13.If my supervisor receives negative feedback,he/she tends to get defensive.
14.My supervisor’s thoughts and feelings are clear to his/her subordinates.
15.My supervisor attempts to understand him/herself as best as possible.
16.My supervisor is conscious of his/her motives when faced with ethical decisions.
17.My supervisor has difficulty evaluating his/her personal faults as a leader,so he/she tries to cast them in a more positive light.
18.My supervisor behaves in accordance with his/her core values.
19.My supervisor relies on his/her core values to make important decisions.









Lagan,T.E.(2007).Examining authentic leadership:Development of a four-dimensional scale and identification of a nomological network. Unpublished doctorial dissertation, State university of New York at Albany.


Ilies,R.,Morgeson,F.P.,&Nahrgang,J.D.(2005).Authentic leadership and eudaemonic well-being: understanding leader–follower outcomes. Leadership Quarterly, 16(3), 373-394.


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