Job demand & job control 工作要求与工作控制量表

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源于工作要求-控制模型(job demand-control model,JDC),工作要求是指以时间压力、专心需求和工作负载等形式存在对员工的心理要求;工作控制是指员工对于自身任务和行为所具有的掌控权,来自于自主性提升、工作中决策制定的参与等。设计量表时,工作要求主要关注于与个体完成工作相关的工作负载、专注需求和时间压力等内容;工作控制主要关注于个体对于自身工作进行决策的自由程度。




Job demands
1) To what extent do you agree that your job requires working very hard?
2) To what extent do you agree that your job requires working very fast?
3) To what extent do you agree that your job requires long periods of intense concentration?
4) To what extent do you agree that your job is very hectic?
5) To what extent do you agree that you have too much work to do everything well on your job?
6) To what extent do you agree that you are not asked to do an excessive amount of work at your job? (reverse scored)
7) To what extent do you agree that you have enough time to get the job done? (reverse scored)
8) To what extent do you agree that do you agree that you are free of conflicting demands that others make on your job? (reverse scored)
9) How frequently does your job require working under time pressure?
Job Control
1) To what extent do you agree that your job allows you to make a lot of decisions on your own?
2) To what extent do you agree that you have a lot of say about what happens on your job?
3) To what extent do you agree that you can determine the order in which your work is to be done on your job?
4) To what extent do you agree that you can determine when a task is to be done on your job?
5) To what extent do you agree that you can determine your own work rate on your job?
6) To what extent do you agree that you have very little freedom to decide how you do your work on the job? (reverse scored)



Gonzalez‐Mulé, Erik, and Bethany Cockburn. (2017). "Worked to Death: The Relationships of Job Demands and Job Control with Mortality." Personnel Psychology. 70(1): 73-112.


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